Salute to ravana. He is the shiv-bhakta and had knowledge of lots of things. One thing always tingling in my mind why he has to killed by Lord Rama ?
This reply never come. But i see lots of people are using the powers of deities. They are doing pujan's etc. They even know little things like muth, calling evil spirit, karnapisachini, bhut vidhya etc. But, when the topic of spiritual healing comes they don't know it. Of course their practice harasses other persons.
So, in the spiritual world it does make a difference of so called white and black is the intention of the person and use of the spiritual power for constructive works. Not to just his own clan/religions but to the universe as a whole.
If, your outlook is not bramhandiye, not loving mother nature then you are not in the white magic. Whatever you are doing is the black one even if you are not using ghots. King Veer Vikram even used betal but his works was constructive and just. So, we remember him as vir vikram. Think over it. Throw your ego in the dust bin, return your religon to their mulla-pandit-etc or whoever, erase inherited beleife. Just love thy GIA.(mother nature).
Then she will accept you as you are and you will not regret your life. Otherwise in the end hell which you have created in your life is waiting for you.