Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wake up from dream.

In the past few days i have experienced and experimented with few things and observed. I came to the conclusions that people are very nasty as individual. If, given something they would demand more. There is a viscous cycle going on for the fulfillment of the vices and desires more and more.

People are unsatisfied. If they have comfortable wealth despite this they want more and more. They reaches a stage and believe that it was their right or they did it on their own and deserved it. Then they start behaving differently/ abnormally.

From this arrogance/ negativity starts. From this harming to nearby persons start. They start damaging their work place, their neighbours, cast / group peoples etc etc.

This is an individual problem and every person have it to some extant. A bad wolf starts the game. So, people asks for protections or try to pass it on. But, passing it on does not work.

What is proper thing is to control the self. Try to heal our mind, try to enhance our qualifications, money or fame is not a parameter in life for success. Money is needed for sustaining the lifestyle & capability to buy foods stuff, medicine etc. Food is needed for sustaining (biomass) our body.

This is a very vicious circle. How to break it. Break it with thought. Start feeling good for being in this world.

Eat , make marry, go out and do something worthwhile which may or may not give you fame. i.e. Make computer programes. Develope computer games , make archive of something which is being lost. Like a heritage monuments. Deocumenting the (real) games which are fast vanishing. This will help the community as a whole. Your energy will be utilized for the society and one day you will not regret doing nice work.

If, you are making poison, after some time it is going to be hurt you. Being in golden dome or artificial island is not going to protect long as humans life time is a finite and other things life is long comparatively. But one day that will be also exhausted golden done will be razed and blazed. Artificial island will be filled with mud. That is what life does with poison producing systems.

Till then buy,

I will be closing down lost of things this year and will announce it on 31 December 2010

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