Little thinking on eve of 6th december. I remember years ago we were remebering this day for Dr. Ambedkar and their people doing prayers and other activity. Now, there is enforced vigil due to a demolition.
On some years back on 06th December a structure collapsed. We are making it a big national issue. Let us ask our selves "Is this ho halla worth it? Disturbing normal way of life."
There is no issue. Let us think like this.
We native (now called hindus ) have inhabited the country from time immemorial. Our memory is very vivid of an epic that took place in i.e. Ramayana. The ramayana is not godly or god it self or said by god but depicts tale of the god in the human forms i.e. Lord Rama. Why Lord Rama ? because we beleive in them. Like you beleive in your gods.
From time to time sages spoken ramayana in many forms. But, we beleive that birth place of lord Rama is ayodhya. No body calls another things contrary. In this whole place called ayodhya there is only one place we are identifying.
We should not forget that there was a time when temples were looted i.e. Somnath for money. During this time, someone from this raiding party chose to live and rule. Instead of choosing local faith they preached their own faith. Due to their intolerance we see lots of temple broken and erection of other things.
Now, be tolerative. There is no kings be it hindu, muslims or others. We are free people. Forget and forgive the old rulers.
This is our nation. We have earned and inherited it from our past with lot of problems. But we have made it a wondeful nation in a short time. We native (hindus & others) are the
original peoples and some minority group has also origin here. They can't claim they are not part of our nation. They chose to live here and be with us. They chose not to go pak. We have seen lot of partitions now there is no scope of it. They are part of our nation and should not do anything that harms progress of our nation.
Let there be temple in Honour of Lord Rama. Ultimately Lord Rama is our king, of all natives be they of any faith, religion, state. Beware there is Hanuman.