Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today i was reading local news papers. One thing caught my eye. A islant countries ex-prime minister's sister-in-law converted her religion. For NEWS item the importance is the PM not the SIL or conversion.

For seeing something supernatural and accepting that religion by a celebrity is a false trend setter.That is not sufficient reason to change the faith.

In the rural part of our country lots of (poor) people get converted for bread and biwi without so called visions. This is a very common thing. We are used to and immune to it.

Most of people go to local saints, pir etc for miracles. We respect them, prey to them, give donations to their mandir/masjid-dargah etc but we don't convert to that holy-man's religion.

God is omnipotent. God can be seen anywhere. God is follwong us, still thou is not servent of us. If sil(ly lady) had visited any villages of india she might have found the tale and experience of a god, saint etc(of any religions- we beleive all can do miracles in our harsh life and certainly it work for us !). In the south india even xtians have their own god making miracles.

So, miracle is not the key-reason to change the faith. Miracle is an external day to day trivial things. It clearly shows that you have been under developed spiritually. No body has told you truth.

Have you seen the god within you ? Then you will be out of all the religions, faith and all sort of morality and immoral things. Then you will be just and kind. You (yourself) will be a living religion. Then you will not follow anyperson/body, faith or so called moral ideals set by highly respected person/gods.

Fact is established religons are hiding the truths. They don't allow us to develope. Big reason is that inward journey is not that much comfortable. To safe guard their members, religions/faiths give us miracles to soften our wounded minds.

But soul remains thirsty.Are you going to visit yourself within you ! Try it. There will be more miracles without any conversion.