Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Some days ago i have written the post regarding "Maha-Kali" as wife/woman.

We are worshipping mahakali as mother and nothing else. But there is also one real minority thinking. Actually it is not thinking, it is taking the fire on a living body. Burning a body to accomodate her. Be it a man or female.

In this time of science we also give the invitation to be with us as wife/girl-friend but it is not possible for her or us to be in a human body.

It requires a lot of commitment on the body of female (who will become kali)and male ( who is inviting her). There are lot of problems. Technology is very simple and complex. Does kali wants you to do it? Answere is simple no. Those who wrote about her and broke the silence are failure. Including me. But from my failure let me share with you something-"don't break her silence".

You give invitation. She will return the message as okey. Invitation to the girl is given. Girl/woman is ready. Suddenly you find that the girl has got lots of money,become ill,got a old or new boy-friend. Her sexual life is becoming very active. Beware she will back-track. She back tracks. She got her rewards for not being kali. This is the way.

If girl is still willing. Then you will find yourself as becoming female. Ya, that is correct. Then you will experience that your support are becoming weak. You have to leave the process. When that process is left. You find yourself cursed. You are ready to die-leave this body. But, nodboy is letting you die. You are feeling from inside a woman like but find yourself(outerbody) a man. Your innerself is liquid.

There is no way out. It is just wait and watch -when she takes/claims your body. What about other bodies. Beware, don't say "i love you" to kali. Please , don't say this word.

Whatever the temptation don't do it. What was wrong. There is only one shiv. There can't be another shiv. So, beware, be as child. I salute the old sages of india who worshipped her as mother.

As a friend she will be very demanding. No child, no marriage, no money,no family, no nomadic life, lot of resources, lot of time and attention on only her. Even if succeeded in inviting her ,there is no consuption of marriage. You have to be a bachelore.A forced bachelore. Who can she her girl/woman becoming kali but can do nother except pujan.Your girl will be doing lot of pujans then she will wake up, you will find yorself sleeping, buddy it is not worth it. No-body will carry you.

Each word is my experience/i have seen /true.