Monday, September 6, 2010

my country

When i was a little child(till day i am) there was a question roaming in my mind. Why are we investing lot of energy in our head part of country. I was seeing ho-halla of all political party. I grabbed my text book. To my delight my head was intact. In the map "all is well". My india was intact. This little child was laughing this idiot big political party wallas are backing their bread on non-issue.

For years, i never realized the truth of this ho-halla, because my text -books map was intact. I was growing up with this trusted intact map, then one day suddenly realization came to me - there is the real problem. Some one has lied to me or i was gullible little kid who accepted their un-truth. Problem is as real as it can be.

We have not seen it pragmatically. we have seen it in little parts. It is time that we see the problem as a whole. It is just not about politics. I am not deciding whether my thinking is childish or my great great child favourite time honoured so called nana's thinking was childish.