Friday, April 23, 2010

People's behaviours.

Someone said to me once.

1. If a person helps you he or she is always going to help you normally.
In some situations s/he might not help you.

2. If someone is not helping you s/he or it may never going to help you.

I have tested this little rule time and time again and it has come true.

I have also found this little things.

There is some general form of courtesy. In this situations you will feel like being helped. But when tested they surely melts away.

Some persons are very helping in nature. They help everyone in normal situations.

Very rarely a person always help you. If you find this type of person stick with them (him/her/it) and try to repay.

Some persons are very negative they never help.Some persons always try to oppose you. Some persons always oppose you but help other persons.
What is the root of this problem ?????

I am just wondering...............