Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New People

My friend said if you get help from someone. First time the person will help you. Next time s/he will help you. But,now onwards finding help from the person is not sure.

It is natural. One time, two time, three time but after that it may be not possible. We have finite resources. Our time in this earth is very limited. Say 70 to 80 years. In this productive time is say 20 years to 45 years. Between this we have to create everthing for ourselves, family , friends, foes etc.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ma sharda

Thou is shining in the sky.
I am so much amazed i can't think anything else.
O mother , let me gather your light.
Your light is more sweet than honey.
We are puzzled how all this happenned.
If you were not present we might feel that it was a dream.

Friday, April 23, 2010

People's behaviours.

Someone said to me once.

1. If a person helps you he or she is always going to help you normally.
In some situations s/he might not help you.

2. If someone is not helping you s/he or it may never going to help you.

I have tested this little rule time and time again and it has come true.

I have also found this little things.

There is some general form of courtesy. In this situations you will feel like being helped. But when tested they surely melts away.

Some persons are very helping in nature. They help everyone in normal situations.

Very rarely a person always help you. If you find this type of person stick with them (him/her/it) and try to repay.

Some persons are very negative they never help.Some persons always try to oppose you. Some persons always oppose you but help other persons.
What is the root of this problem ?????

I am just wondering...............

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flowers glows like a smiling bright sun without heat.

Morpankh is a wonder in itself.It shows the veiwer different color from the viewpoint they are looking into it.

Life is also this way.It has immense potential of showing different colours. I usually keep morpankh hanging on the wall. When there is silence and light breeze coming from windows, you can really hear the sound due air toching the morpankh. It shows the presence of krishna, a great lover, beautiful person who had immence potential. Pankh-dhari.

I get mor-pankh from thick-bush, left by the bird itself. Please don't purchase it from wendors. By not supporting these wendors you increase the life-span of bird.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I generally visit the Hanuman Temples.

Once i visited in night time the BaglaMukhi Temple, Civic Centre, Jabalpur (MP). Shri Hanumanji is under the bel-tree facing north. In darkness it looked very beautiful. This temple is very new and belongs to H.H.Shankracharyajee of Dwarika.

Monday, April 12, 2010

new beginning

There was lot of thinking going on whether anything should be written or not. Words have its own life. Sometimes words outlives the writer. But who is going to read this ? I am not a celebrity, nor am i" who's who person".

But there was deep feeling within that something should be shared with world. I will be sharing my experience as Honarary Animal Welfare Officer, Nature Trainure, Radio Amateur ( VU3INJ). and lot more......

You are free to comment, i don't intend to offend anyone. Sometimes i also don't agree with my own writings (!) but you know they outlive and outsmart the authors.
