Sunday, August 9, 2015

Enemy of State.

“Only Subramanian Swamy knows the art of befriending Americans, Chinese and Israelis at the same time. He can also be a friend of Shahabuddin.” Then turning to me, he said: “Keep this quality. Never be afraid of making friends with anyone.” I have followed this advice despite heavy criticism from the media. I have made friends with Morarji, Chandrasekhar and Indira Gandhi after terrific quarrels with them. Sometimes one needs to quarrel to come to an understanding of each’s strength. Generally, I love to oppose those in authority because for a strong democracy, opposition is necessary. But Indian society being feudal, those in power underestimate who oppose them. And in my case, people in power have always underestimated me because they think I am alone. But they don’t realize I have friends everywhere, in all political parties and in all important countries. That is why I have won all my battles against Government. Because I have never betrayed anyone, these friendships remain for a long time. In 1990, I could have betrayed Chandrasekhar and fallen for temptation offered by Rajiv Gandhi to become PM. But when I discouraged this idea, Rajv Gandhi’s esteem of me and trust in me went sky high. Because of the trust I develop my friends from all over the world confide in me. People ask me often “How do you get so much accurate information”. This is the answer. I have secret friends and open enemies. Most other people have the opposite: secret enemies and open friends.

On the facebook I read this and it gives the art of opposing the state and still survive.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Modi mania,

Everywhere peoples are talking about the MODI effect. People have the modi mania, Why not just jump into the bandwagon and write down something. Please accept my apologies in advance if you don't like it. Please. then read on......

Due to some mysterious reasons and carefull planning modi got the clear mandate. May be the peoples were feeling that indian congress did not delivered them what it promised , congress was in minority-majority politics,meanwhile modi touched the much needed point of being a patriotic indian. Modi promised a very radical political shift to keep morals of citizens and supposedly eradicate all the pit-falls of hindu-muslim bhai bhai philosophy, promised to toughly deal with problematic neighbouring countries.

But modiji missed something. This time peoples have voted as a “Patriot citizens” and not on small regional or religious pretty issues. This is the last chance for BJP and Hindutwa. As the modi method is out and only important element is the number of peoples (votes). Anti-modi can use this same policy to vote the modi out in the next elections if modi does not takes steps to eradicate all the labels of majority and minority, religious and non-religious and encourage them on becoming equal citizens.

It has to start from the grass root. Why ask any student for his caste, religion in the 10 th standard. Make divorse easy. Make one rule for marriage and divorce. Give the peoples an opportunity to opt out for an easy marriage rules then what their own religions provide. Restrict the total number of children out of all marriages to 4.

Mandatorily cover all the citizens with one number ADHAR CARD to maintain the peoples databases. This card should not be used for any govt , law enforcement use but just a single database to accurately know the number of peoples maintain it with life and death rolls. This will reduce further infiltrations.

Make railway like other departments. Also allow the states to own railways and use it. Make separate railways for state and centres. Railways should not control govt. the govt should control the railways.

Give gun license to all the citizens and let them keep gun for whole time & not recalling in times of elections , riotes etc. After all why we need gun ? For safety in hard times. As the by product of this gun grants, the heridotary marshal communities will be not able to bully lower caste, less abled , less previledged sections. Religious riotes will also become less. Police will become more efficient. There will be calm due to fear.

Make sure that state is not a BUSINESS FIRM. State can never balance its books like a common person. State has to provide everything at lower cost. De control on some products are not good particularly, the fuels. Petrol, diesel, coal etc.

Remove the IAS cadres. Instead make something decent & more docile. There should be not big differnce of pay structure in the officers cadre and babus cadres, only previledge difference should be there in the new pay commissions,This will reduce govts fiscal burdens. And at the top job also allow political appointment for 5 years term like amerkia.

If modi fails to do something like above & more. We are in the very topsy turvey journey of political chaos. At first, this does not seem the solutions but this reforms will lead to the path of solutions. Above all the populations control is must, be it a majority or minority, After all they are all our unboarn citizens, we have to give them the benefits, foods, educations, employments, place to live etc etc and above all they will become the voters. May be they can vote out the modi mania one day. In peoples views Modi is good (for today) but what lies in future ? I don't know.  Do, we want to make our future good or not will depend on todays (modi) policies.
lets be human...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I have to tell atleast two to three important things and after that i dont think i have anything to share or say on this blog.

For some time due to reasons beyound my call seazed to write. But, was surprized that this is one of my best looked after blog. May be people might be finding something interesting or learning from my mistakes and making good of their life.
If that is so let it be.

In the sub-continent of India, we the people are very religious but state does not have religions. For State sometimes it is difficult to comprehend the peoples demands anyway that is not the probleme or issue here.

We the people is also not an issue. We are very nice people, civilized and cultered but within us there is some deep remourse about our religions. At one instance we are saying the we are supreme and boss of all religions like things and for that lots of things are being told. Other religions who has flourished here but have origin from different continent says contrary.Ok that is not my issue.

We boast, we have great temples, gurus, rushis and prayers etc etc. That is also true. If that is not the issue what is the issue :- Issue is when i go for a healing , indeed we all human beings at one point of time need a faith, a prayer, or prayers by other peoples for his surviving ( not a business profite type thing) to get two square meals, healing from shap, rouge, family problems , spiritual problems, to some extent the medical problem ( not as a medicine but as a helping word) in this man hours is also used up. A priest chants , does homams etc but question is are all people really capable of paying up your temples charges ! do they have enough spare money to give you to pray ! do they buy medicine of give to you so that you have a full dish ? Time has changed. Please dont charge exorbitant fees. When i was capable of healing, i did it for free without any conditions.

I remember, my problems solutions were simple. Obescience to KGN. It was very simple cheap and in this i did not have to go or pray to them.  I was proudy of my vaishan samsthans and acharyas and gurus , saints etc etc. But, time has told me , a little clothed fakir and his dua was very kind then these big temples and very nice looking sober acharyas.

If we dont give a free or nominal charge pujans and healing to the people one day they will find that they are not a majority.

Hindu, saints, acharyas, gurus have emmence potentials and power to heal their beleivers but fact is that they themselves are withing their so-called superiors noble thoughts.

Most of hindu girls face problem in marriage. Manglik dosh or pitru dosh ! Has anyone thought what is the pitrudosh ! In simple form, our elders differ from us in somethings (usually eatings, marrige etc) and their vibrations or thought pattern as inherited by us is not letting see us the truth and true problems.

Some family has the recurring pattern of loss. If they see and analys this things they will see that same sort of events or patterns in their fathers, grand fathers life took place. one of these is chatra-bhang (loss of earnings, fame etc), breaking of marriage, loss of a male in twenty of a woman and in that instance it recurring in them.

Now, being a scientific temper we can say that it is some sort of black art. Rubbish, it is not the black art. It is the thought patterns, and seeking solutions in a particular way. Change it, change the peoples,get divorced, get married , make compromise, change faith and you will see most of this things will vanish and once you are improving dont let the rotten peoples in you life come again.

I was seeing the calender and panchang, and also analysing the pattern in the particular organizations regarding chatra-bhang ( removal from service) and one thing came to my light , where scheme is done, it is around 5 to 6 december whole over the india. Why ! panchang says there is kal-bhairaw jayanti around those dates. Wow ! After that, i saw one thing what is kal-bhairaw in hindu mythology changer of time.

In the end it is wise to keep all those things happy, give alms to poor hungry peoples in the form of food instead of giving money to acharyas, gurus, etc etc. and dont forget to enjoy life. These spiritual leaders are dry and we should not expect more from them. in their path they are ultimate (driest) but we are a social entitites. So, it is better to pray directly to a family man. Lord Shiva, Ma parvathi, Ganeshji with two   wife and their children.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

wake up from dream 3

I am bleeding to hell.

I have been injured by the peoples whom i have helped.

They have stabbed me like Brutus.

That is the reason i am closing down.

This worlds does not like the pious ones.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

wake up from dream2

There is a little story. But from where i read or heard it just not able to recall, may be i have written it.

Okey, story line is something like this
There were three states. A big-state another small state and in between this two there was another very very small tiny-state. This tiny-state was dependent on big state and friendly towards small-state. Now, how to live peacefully ? It started telling big-state that small-state is your enemy and created war like situation between them . Now this two big neighbours are enemy and tiny-state is benefiting from both state.
This is the way of life.
I don't know the solution but i have seen it in society, friendships, nations etc.
It is an ancient problem but solution may tried is neutralize that tiny-state who is creating the problems.

Wake up from dream.

In the past few days i have experienced and experimented with few things and observed. I came to the conclusions that people are very nasty as individual. If, given something they would demand more. There is a viscous cycle going on for the fulfillment of the vices and desires more and more.

People are unsatisfied. If they have comfortable wealth despite this they want more and more. They reaches a stage and believe that it was their right or they did it on their own and deserved it. Then they start behaving differently/ abnormally.

From this arrogance/ negativity starts. From this harming to nearby persons start. They start damaging their work place, their neighbours, cast / group peoples etc etc.

This is an individual problem and every person have it to some extant. A bad wolf starts the game. So, people asks for protections or try to pass it on. But, passing it on does not work.

What is proper thing is to control the self. Try to heal our mind, try to enhance our qualifications, money or fame is not a parameter in life for success. Money is needed for sustaining the lifestyle & capability to buy foods stuff, medicine etc. Food is needed for sustaining (biomass) our body.

This is a very vicious circle. How to break it. Break it with thought. Start feeling good for being in this world.

Eat , make marry, go out and do something worthwhile which may or may not give you fame. i.e. Make computer programes. Develope computer games , make archive of something which is being lost. Like a heritage monuments. Deocumenting the (real) games which are fast vanishing. This will help the community as a whole. Your energy will be utilized for the society and one day you will not regret doing nice work.

If, you are making poison, after some time it is going to be hurt you. Being in golden dome or artificial island is not going to protect long as humans life time is a finite and other things life is long comparatively. But one day that will be also exhausted golden done will be razed and blazed. Artificial island will be filled with mud. That is what life does with poison producing systems.

Till then buy,

I will be closing down lost of things this year and will announce it on 31 December 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

6th December

On this 06th december three things happened day when the structure fall, this is day for remembrance of Dr.Ambedkar and last but not least i also fall.

I am out, let me see whether chhinmasta arising or not.

I don't think there will be more posts as i will be not able to tell the truth. may be pople don't want the truth, maay be my truth is so much pure that it becomes poison. Why should i tell the truth. Let the truth tell itself. So, lady truth now you are lonely. Find some suitable batchelor your self.

What happened ? Someone, broke my lively hood. I know him. The face and energy behind that face, the manipulator of that energy.

There are actors in all this breaking drama, individually their are innocent but collectively, egoistically they ruined other peoples life and they are still not aware of it.

Don't worry lady truth you will also find a suitable bachelor, i have become old. all this years i have entertained you, made you happy, prosporous, danced with you but i have tired and become old. So, go away and don't come in my view.